Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Da Novamont ed Ecor la prima ecovaschetta per la IV gamma compostabile Ugo Stella

13 Settembre 2010

Arriva il packaging no-ogm biodegradabile

in Mater-Bi per l’insalata, realizzato grazie alla collaborazione tra Novamont ed Ecor. Nasce da un progetto sperimentale, novità in Italia, il primo in Europa a riguardare le

insalate pronte in IV gamma

certificate Demeter, ovvero provenienti da agricoltura biodinamica.  Prodotti marcati Filogea "Le insalatine Filogea saranno le prime ad essere distribuite con l’eco-packaging messo a punto da Novamont – spiega Roberto Zanoni, direttore generale di Ecor NaturaSì  - e rappresentano uno dei tanti progetti che l'azienda ha intrapreso nell'ottica della riduzione e nel improving the quality of packaging. Our aim is also to make this trial a sustainable packaging solution more and more popular among the products IV range bio. Mater-Bi is the

developed by Novamont,
biodegradable and compostable
course under the Italian standard UNI EN 13432 can provide resistance and strength very similar to traditional plastics, but contains renewable resources of agricultural origin. Decreases emissions of greenhouse gases, reduces the consumption of energy and renewable resources, completes a virtuous circle: raw materials of agricultural origin return to the earth through processes of biodegradation and composting without the release of pollutants. can be disposed of with the wet The unique packaging consists of a cardboard "smeared" in Mater-Bi and packaged with a film Mater-Bi which can be disposed along with kitchen scraps. After over a year of research, the solution was made possible by developments in the Mater-Bi of the second generation, which increases the percentage of renewable content of the product. This strategic plan within the Novamont providing additional step to arrive at the Mater-Bi III and IV generation, increases with increasing content of renewable Italian chain (from special oils, monomers and biodegradable polymers). With 4000 references in the catalog, a 2009 turnover of 121 million euro, is the most important Ecor
distributor of organic products in Italy and serves over 800 natural food stores - including more than 250 shops

associated with Cuorebio brand and 72 supermarkets to teach NaturaSì.

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