Sunday, December 20, 2009

Black Private Ambulances

Design Open Source

Back in 2004 there was no crowdsourcing and open innovation was still far from being "invented" in a conscious way. However, I and Emanuele Zippilli advocating the use of the Web as a tool for collaboration and shared horizontally beyond the then existing networking models. He was born each , an experience of research carried out until 2007.
each and a shared platform on a peer to peer destined to the relational design. This thing seems so cryptic but, more simply, each set up a real chart wiki where users (designers) work subsequent changes to a given theme (seed) so that the paths generated by the individual creative choices editing project is fully traceable and knowable.

This "machine" intended in primis ad essere usata per elaborare concept di product, industrial e graphic design fu testata nel 2007 in un'esperienza didattica presso il Centrodesign di Ancona e ricevette l'interessamento di Creative Commons Italia .
Oggi il crowdsourcing e la open innovation sono temi attuali e se ne stanno testando limiti e potenzialità; tuttavia i problemi sollevati da questi nuovi modi di collaborazione (diritti d'autore, spec work , etc...) sono evidenti e impediscono un reale decollo della co-creazione online. CADauno affronta in nuce tali problemi fornendo soluzioni vicine alle dinamiche open source messe a punto nel settore del software ormai da tempo. Per questo credo che this experience still has much to say, it is no coincidence that she was born the project Makiin .

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