Monday, December 28, 2009

Lipomas More Condition_symptoms In Dogs

CABBAGE: la fotografia surreale di David Stewart e Sandy Skoglund

I am pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition Cabbage curated by Camilla Boemio at Gallery Ancient Kilns in Macerata, from 17 January to 3 February 2010. Cabbage investigates the surreal genre of photography with the participation of two of the most famous photographers, known for the complexity of their work: David Stewart and San dy Skoglund. Emilio Antinori attending the event associated with an installation on the theme of reuse, proseguendo l'esperienza avviata con DM-A .
Partecipo all'evento in qualità di curatore dell'allestimento con l'aiuto dell'arch.Andrea Stortoni; maggiori informazioni qui .

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dvd For Paradigm Insulin Pump

Architettura aumentata

Chi di voi, over 30, si è occupato di disegno tecnico nel suo passato e ha avuto a che fare con Rapidograph e inchiostro sa anche cosa fossero i fogli detti "lucidi"; allo stesso modo chi oggi usa programmi Cad e affini non può fare a meno di sapere cosa siano i layer . La realtà aumentata (AR) ben si spiega con l'aggiunta di layer sovrapposti e fatti collimare con il mondo fisico hic et nunc , così come percepito dai nostri occhi;  questi layer vanno ad 'aumentare' la quantità di informazioni che arrivano attraverso la vista "filtrata" da dispositivi di visualizzazione basati su IT e connessi alla rete. Se il web è basato sugli ipertesti, la realtà aumentata è basata su iperimmagini che nascono dall'interazione tra la percezione visiva del reale ed i sistemi di cattura video e visualizzazione digitali. Il collegamento tra le tre categorie spaziali vissute nella contemporaneità (intorno, interno, estensione mentale) teorizzate da Derrick De Kerckhove è immediato.

Per maggior chiarezza occorre fare un passo indietro definendo la scienza della Presenza (così come definita da Giuseppe Riva, Francesco Vatalaro, Gianluca Zaffiro nel documento di indagine Tecnologie della presenza: concetti e applicazioni ) come lo "studio delle modalità con cui il cervello umano costruisce il modello della realtà e di sé stesso sostituendo, o incrementando, l’informazione sensoriale e d’interazione ad esso indirizzata".
Assunto questo voglio qui accennare ad una tra le innovazioni/evoluzioni che la RA produrrà: architecture increased. It is clear that we are dealing with a border near future to think about our space and our relationship with it. Beyond joke and publicity stunts, more or less viral (now known as the ecomagination GE), who play on the big appeal of this phenomenon remains a powerful potential that can not be implied to those accustomed space to articulate and manage relationships with them. List, but not limited to, certain phenomena near future that inevitably will occur when our perceptual abilities will impact massively and daily with AR (but not earlier than 2015):
  1. our spatial models, still based on Renaissance perspective or, at best, on paradigms antigeometrici (Peter Eisenmann docet) defined in contrast to the first, must be rethought;
  2. the proxemics, as we know, will be questioned;
  3. some concepts of geometric will change with a gradual shift. An example of all that of "center." For us, linked to a given size it is likely to change in the direction indicated by the 'Oku Japanese culture: a point which is invisible and its position in the "depth";
  4. the very idea of \u200b\u200bsize (Bruno Zevi counted 4 in architecture) should also include the dimension information that now stops at capacity of the surface (skin) to be a physical support for the information itself;
  5. in the last place will become a phenomenon space / time very different from what we call it now.
The planning process undertaken in interaction design that is now twelve years ago, culminating in 2000 with the concept of ' Iperporto , leads me to remember how the augmented reality was, then, considered as a support and performance improvement of usability and ergonomics of HCI (human machine interface).
It is true that the technological evolution of the architectural and interactive communication skills will give it , now is not (as predicted by Carlo Ratti, director of SENSEable City Laboratory at MIT ) but argue that the architecture will be born spontaneously increased by upgrading the technology of perception had RA. Or will exist in the display glasses or smart phone that will aim on it. The architecture will be increased, primarily, in the eyes of the beholder.

PS: In the movie you can see an example of playful RA applied to the space (or better to surfaces that define it) with the technique of fiduciary marker.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Black Private Ambulances

Design Open Source

Back in 2004 there was no crowdsourcing and open innovation was still far from being "invented" in a conscious way. However, I and Emanuele Zippilli advocating the use of the Web as a tool for collaboration and shared horizontally beyond the then existing networking models. He was born each , an experience of research carried out until 2007.
each and a shared platform on a peer to peer destined to the relational design. This thing seems so cryptic but, more simply, each set up a real chart wiki where users (designers) work subsequent changes to a given theme (seed) so that the paths generated by the individual creative choices editing project is fully traceable and knowable.

This "machine" intended in primis ad essere usata per elaborare concept di product, industrial e graphic design fu testata nel 2007 in un'esperienza didattica presso il Centrodesign di Ancona e ricevette l'interessamento di Creative Commons Italia .
Oggi il crowdsourcing e la open innovation sono temi attuali e se ne stanno testando limiti e potenzialità; tuttavia i problemi sollevati da questi nuovi modi di collaborazione (diritti d'autore, spec work , etc...) sono evidenti e impediscono un reale decollo della co-creazione online. CADauno affronta in nuce tali problemi fornendo soluzioni vicine alle dinamiche open source messe a punto nel settore del software ormai da tempo. Per questo credo che this experience still has much to say, it is no coincidence that she was born the project Makiin .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Milena Velbasingle Party

MAKIIN: wiki grafico per il design

's heart is a Makiin wiki graphic design open source , designed and developed by me and Emanuele Zippilli from the experience each , born in 2004.

Makiin is configured as a Web format for the open innovation concept can generate for ideational il design in tutte le sue forme (graphic, product, industrial, web). Makiin genera opere derivate che usano il copyleft come modello di authorship.

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