Monday, February 28, 2011

National Debt Calculator

Interaction design Retail

dall'Euroshop I just came back in 2011, which ends tomorrow, March 2, at Düsseldorf . For the first time the interaction design made in Italy was the terminus in POP (point of purchase) . Grottini Lab presented In show, the first system that uses the device Kinect to enable interaction outside of the window to display in a completely touchless. In this case, the visitor can interact with the interface located inside the video window simply directing hands to perform simple images for browsing and opening / closing of background information on screens.
to think of it this is a step beyond the retail sector to invest in a broader sense, the ratio of inside / outside of its many types of spaces where the line between what belongs to the public and what that "turns" to the private sector through the physical demarcation, but part of the window. Again announcing the possible redefinition of relations between us and proxemic functional and architectural space in which I have already talked about the 'architecture increased.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Portland Gay Cruising -maine

Subsonica Subsonica - The Angel

From now on i-Tunes "angel." Be beautiful and stylish before downloading, because the song is very fine palate. Enjoy.

And watch this video in time with beautiful oriental dances and the angel)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is Mucus In Poo Normal

Congratulations to Max and Serena!

was born the first daughter of Max Casacci and his wife Serena . To celebrate the wonderful news we offer streaming de: La chanson du fleuve of But if and . Behind this group is unknown
conceal their lords Casacci. The song, which tells their love story blossomed "along the river (the Po di Torino), is played by Serena and produced by Max
Download La Chanson du Fleuve

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fatigue Ovarian Cysts

services they need to design sound design phenomenon

Si è appena svolto a Milano il convegno dal titolo   " Design dei servizi. Domanda e offerta di nuove capacità progettuali "    . Credo valga la pena fermarsi un istante a leggere il comunicato di presentazione, in particolare si dice:  " il design dei servizi sta facendo il suo ingresso negli   studi di design , architettura  e   comunicazione  that working with service companies " . I argue that the design in the broad sense and a large project, go always conceived as a service (in a My previous post I addressed the issue), this meeting, organized and supported, among others, by ADI and the Politecnico di Milano supports my thesis.
design services is a multidisciplinary field in which the technical component lives together with the creative and communicative in order to ensure effectiveness through usability ergonomics, proxemics, management of interaction and, in general, through all the operations with which to build relationships between people, things and spaces.
Paolo Ricotti in the book " Sustainability and Green Economy. Fourth Sector. Competitiveness, Strategy and Value for firms in the third millennium" (2010, Franco Angeli Edizioni) advocates a new business model "sustainable" and succeeds in asserting that "the products, however, tend to evolve over time towards a less material and more immaterial." This natural evoluzione porta il bene a trasformarsi da oggetto a servizio e a innescare una serie di necessarie implicazioni in cui il design (qui inteso come capacità progettuale di soddisfare dei bisogni creando senso) ha, per forza di cose, un ruolo centrale al fianco della tecnologia.
La tecnologia (da sempre) necessita di una forma per costruire relazioni sensate con l'uomo e per costituire l'ambiente in cui vive e si evolve, la storia del Movimento Moderno lo ha già ampiamente provato. 
Il design dei servizi si spiega anche come design delle relazioni; questo rende sbagliato e dannoso ogni confine posto e imposto tra tecnologia e design.

performing a flight of fancy is interesting to note that the images presented by Venus Project, a vast project of liberal reform in the key of all humanity (! ) outlining a scenario of all economic and cultural alternative to the status quo. The project, naively, the replacement of the structures of political decision-making with new forms of knowledge-based technology. The proposed scenarios to imagine this new utopian world entirely shaped and governed by the technology (which curiously reminiscent Broadacre City of FLWright of 1935 and other visions of future worlds typical of the fifties) are totally focused on a new-age and modernist aesthetics heavily "designed" or intended permeated by an aesthetic that is desperately trying to give a encrypted form, visible and understandable to the technology. You know, this technology should be interpreted and "designed" to create value.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Do U Check For Prostrate Infection

The Eco-local

I think the search for strong accountability in the way we produce and consume goods (and services) abbia due anime. Una è commerciale ed è dovuta all'appeal salva-coscienza che molti marchi usano "drogando" il prodotto. Si farcisce il bene di consumo di significati che questo, alla prova dei fatti, non ha; il fenomeno del green washing ne è la piena e concreta testimonianza. 
C'è poi una forte e crescente  volontà   di eticità nel modo con cui soddisfiamo i nostri bisogni che esula dalla ricerca di strategie commerciali tout court. Ancora una volta la risposta a questa sana esigenza non nasce da centri ricerca e sviluppo ma da designer che agiscono tramite l'innovazione di processo, before the product, and entering the value chain from which those who produce consumer goods today can no longer ignore. A chain that has more value as it is compact, quick and least wasteful of resources. Within this service Europocket TV story, in a brief speech, the strong value of these energies: an opportunity that many would do well to consider as a resource.