Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Homemade Bedroom Organizers


Secondo indagini accurate, la prima società ad intraprendere questa attività fu la "California Vitamins", agli inizi degli anni '40 furono i primi perché a quell'epoca erano l'unica ditta che comprendesse un programma di vendite e di provvigioni articolato a diversi livelli. Da qui il termine "multi-level".Benché a quel tempo ci fossero molte società di vendita diretta, come i venditori di spazzole Fuller e di casalinghi, la California Vitamins dava la possibilità ai suoi incaricati di sponsorizzare altri e farli entrare nell'attività, guadagnando provvigioni anche dalle vendite di questi ultimi. Era un'organizzazione indipendente in cui i venditori stessi, piuttosto che la società, assumevano, istruivano ed organizzavano le forze di vendita. In sostanza, ogni persona aveva l'opportunità di costruire la sua organizzazione di vendita, mentre la società forniva i prodotti e pagava le provvigioni.Alcuni anni dopo, la società cambiò nome e divenne la Nutrilite. Due dei maggiori distributori della società, Rich DeVos e Jay Van Andel, amici da una vita, si resero conto delle potenzialità di questo concetto di "MLM". Per loro esso era il modo perfetto per allargare il "sogno americano" ad un numero illimitato di persone. Nel 1959 DeVos e Van Andel si staccarono dalla nutrilite e fondarono la propria attività di "MLM", la AMWAY Corporation. AMWAY è l'abbreviazione delle due parole "American Way" (il modo americano).Oggi The AMWAY is a multinational company for more than seven billion dollars, with over three million charge around the world. So much to talk about an idea convincing!
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from the book "The greatest opportunity in the history of the world" (John Kalench)

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The system developed gradually from 1959 to 1975. At that time, there were only thirty companies that could be called real company "MLM" (then again they did not use the term network Marketing). However, in the late 60s, the efforts of a person did change the situation, is better than worse. At that time, Glen Turner was like the Pied Piper. Many people believed that it was able to pull the moon from the sky, stretching his arm, and to move mountains. His vision of success and personal achievements that you could get was as the siren song for men and women from all walks of life. He gave people a different life, convincing her that everything was possible. He founded the Glen W. Turner Enterprises, a set of smaller companies with such a range of products which soon engulfed the country. Two of his most successful companies was Koscot Interplanetary Incorporadet and Dare To Be Great.Migliaia and thousands of people clustered around Mr. Turner and the possibility that he did see. What he said about the human potential and achieving success was positive. Even today, people relies on his ideas about training and motivation. He was a champion in being able to make the best of people and still have a lot of their success being there inspired by his teachings. Unfortunately, the Turner Enterprises was also a credit for another reason: the perfection of his "illegal pyramid scheme fraud." Some of the products sold were questionable and some had never even existed. The employees of Turner Enterprises earned really a lot of money just by recruiting other distributors. Since at that time there were no laws or restrictions governing the "MLM" (remember that it was still in its infancy), Glen W. Turner Enterprises was able to continue trading. The first real attack against the system "MLM" was actually launched in 1975. In retrospect one can say that it was the catalyst for a tidal wave of growth that has lasted to this day. Based on rumors that circulated about illegal means of distribution, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) declared war in the "MLM" with a series of "anti-pyramid", as they are called today. Of the thirty companies then existing, Amway was the to be put under pressure. After four long years and four million dollars in court costs, the battle against dell'Amway FTC concluded with the following result: in what is now called "the sentence Amway (Amway FTC against 93 FTC 618) the court established that Amway was not an illegal pyramid scheme and that its sales channels and distribution of products were viable and legitimate. I feel that since the key to the survival of this economic system it was the decision of the 'Amway' to undertake to defend what he believed. Had it not been for his efforts, the biggest occasion in the history of the world today would not exist. I am only one among many be obliged to be eternally grateful. Thank you so much, Amway!
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from the book "The greatest opportunity in the history of the world" (John Kalench)

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are called pyramid schemes and promise big profits. But it applies only to the top of the pyramid. For other costs and risks. Finally, the law says enough, some commercial "no limits" has also tried to ennoble it renamed "multilevel marketing", but the substance remains the same: the system is a scam or want to be generous to an investment very unprofitable. After some cases blatantly exposed, the legislature has finally moved to act in the matter and groped to distinguish, in fact, sales techniques "bold" but the legal situation clearly criminal. A distinction is not always easy to tell the truth. The long-awaited measure is called "Ruzzante law" named after its rapporteur ( ) and was approved by Parliament in summer '2005. It takes into account any sales "atypical", as sales at home, and adjusting the matter by mandating certain security instruments to the buyer, the first of the badge. But the real target of the law are the pyramid schemes, the infamous "chain letters Antonio "made only for other people involved in the sale. The legal text is clear: "They banned the promotion and realization of assets and sales facilities in which the components of the primary economic incentive structure is based on the mere recruitment of new players rather than on their ability to sell. "prescribes penalties ranging from 6 months to 1 year imprisonment and 100 to 600 000 euro fine.
The mechanism is not new, but it was significantly enhanced by the spread of Internet and e-mail, is not it natural habitat for the chains S. Antonio. Many of these actually are limited to spreading false information and appeals, clogging inboxes and turning into the naive speaker of the spammer messages. While others are more serious damage. It 's the case with the so-called pyramid schemes where the exponential concatenation has to do with the purchase of goods and thus with the disbursement of money.
How does the
Normalmente se un’azienda vuole commercializzare un suo prodotto deve appoggiarsi a una rete di vendita, sostenendo costi di struttura, promozionali ecc. Inoltre il prodotto deve avere un valore commerciale (utilità, buona qualità, prezzo conveniente) senza il quale il mercato - cioè il consumatore finale - lo respingerebbe in breve tempo. Com’è possibile allora vendere prodotti pressoché inutili e guadagnare molto? Basta “allontanare il mercato”, cioè far sì che il prodotto non sia venduto a chi effettivamente lo utilizzerà ma a qualcuno che a sua volta lo rivenda a un altro. Si crea così una catena di vendite nelle quali i livelli superiori guadagnano delle provvigioni sulle vendite di quelli lower. It is not difficult to imagine that the commissions margin thins rapidly to zero within a few steps.
company manufactures 800 pieces of a product with a cost of 10 cents a piece. Start a pyramid selling dealer recruiting two "first level" (limit the number to simplify, but in reality, the recruits are much wider) which sells 400 pieces each at 2 € each. The company then collects from € 800 each for a total of 1,600 euro.Ognuno of the two vendors in turn sells their pieces with two other vendors "second level" more than 2 € per piece, ie without an actual margin on sales - and this is the fault sanctioned by the law - but only earned a commission by the manufacturer (by assumption of 10%, equivalent to € 40). Each of the four second-tier vendors square (or attempts to place) to the sellers "third level" of its 200 units and earn a commission (lower) from the seller to the next level. And so on. The fact is that almost always the victim che entra nel meccanismo di vendita non sa a che livello si trova.Insomma chi è al vertice della piramide guadagna molto senza particolare sforzo se non quello di trovare il primo livello di venditori; il livello successivo guadagna poco a fronte di un investimento nell’acquisto talvolta ingente; ai livelli inferiori nella migliore delle ipotesi si va in pari, se non addirittura si perde il capitale investito ritrovandosi in mano dei prodotti invendibili.
Angelo De Marinis

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My name is Elio Ciani 54 years and I have some experience in various sectors of trade, which is also an avid Internet surfer, I have seen the continual increase in the network, e-commerce companies and the various systems they have adopted with the purpose, fully shared, and increase revenues.
the same time I also attended by ordinary people, desperate and often fruitless search for work and other activities designed to make profits.
Tutto ciò mi ha spinto a intraprendere una sfida con me stesso nel riuscire a coniugare i due interessi insieme e a realizzare un progetto che potesse coinvolgere, appunto, le aziende di commercio elettronico e le tante persone che desiderano guadagnare lavorando su internet.
La risposta più convincente mi è arrivata dallo studio approfondito del “Network Marketing”, un sistema di vendita nato negli U.S.A. alcuni decenni fa e che ha portato al successo decine di aziende, purtroppo però, molto spesso, confuso con alcune forme deviate di commercio multilivello come le vendite piramidali infinite e addirittura come le immorali, e ora anche illegali, catene di S. Antonio.
In realtà il “Network Marketing” è un sistema di distribuzione che racchiude in sé caratteristiche molto interessanti, che ne hanno permesso la diffusione in tutto il mondo, fino a coinvolgere migliaia di aziende in tutti i settori e milioni di persone.
Nel N. M. la rete di distribuzione è costituita dagli stessi consumatori che diventano anche distributori; ovviamente perché questo sia possibile, occorre che il consumatore sia pienamente soddisfatto. È This is the reason why almost every company of NM distribute high quality products with high added value and with a range of unique benefits include: discounts, information, special conditions, payment facilities, prizes, awards, etc. .
The NM is also known as the "word of mouth marketing" because the knowledge of 'company and its products, rather than rely on advertising in the media is left to individual consumers very often success of a product or brand is ruled by its own word of mouth among satisfied customers, but the cliente non partecipa mai ai redditi che egli stesso ha contribuito a generare; a tutti noi è capitato di consigliare ad un amico un film o un libro che ci è piaciuto particolarmente, ma sicuramente produttori cinematografici ed editori non ci hanno mai pagato un euro di provvigione per la pubblicità svolta.
Il N.M. si fonda invece proprio su questo principio, facendone un metodo: ciascun cliente, oltre ai vantaggi già elencati ( condizioni esclusive di vario tipo ) ha diverse possibilità di essere retribuito dall’ azienda, partecipando agli utili e costituendone quindi un’ appendice produttiva, un consumatore attivo anziché, come di consueto, person.
The gain in NM is structured in the form of commissions that are calculated on volume of product sales, primarily in two forms:
· The direct distribution consists in 'offer to non-members' company, its products, as we have seen, the distributor is entitled to a commission on sales.
· The indirect distribution that is rather closely related to the mechanism of "buzz" since the consumer has unique benefits associated with the concrete, in addition to direct sales has the opportunity to advertise the affiliate program company. The new affiliate will be entitled to these benefits too, and may choose to turn to advertising products and affiliate program.
At this point it is easy to imagine how, with a good network marketing program, the sales of a company can multiply exponentially, providing an operator of e-commerce a double reward:
· Conspicuously increase their earnings;
• Giving the opportunity for many people to play a 'fascinating activities,
gaining in proportion to their commitment.
Network Marketing Program that I developed called "ENEWORM" and is addressed to all the Italian companies in electronic commerce "B to C (Business to Consumer).
Participation in this project does not require investments of money, or to load of businesses and borne by future "supporters" but just a little 'time to devote to the various phases of the program.
If you intend to deepen their knowledge of "ENEWORM" just contact me, without obligation, at info.eneworm @ and I will be happy to explain in more detail the "ENEWORM.

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"ENEWORM" consists of a network marketing network, organized into levels (maximum 10), which gives customers the opportunity to become a member of the company, in turn, hold its own e-commerce site, with no startup costs and management.

The investment by the company that intends to adhere to "ENEWORM" is shaped by your webmaster for certain changes to the site:

* Creating "Home" reference which are attributable to each member (supporter) and identifiable by a name chosen by the same supporters who will address the primary site. (eg / ilmionegozio ). Each home page should contain a banner ad which will allow supporters to affiliate other people. The banner will be linked to the presentation of "ENEWORM," with its form for the registration form and return it prior acceptance of the "General Conditions" displayed in the same form. Registration to "ENEWORM" must be free and allowed only to people age.

* Award of a home page for Elio Ciani, as the first supporter ever, with the URL: / eneworm
* Creation, on the home page of the primary site, a banner that will route Blog: a sort of shopping mall in which potential supporters, finding the banner (in the "Affiliates EW" ), adherents of all the sites to "ENEWORM" that can be purchased join. These last address on the various home page / eneworm .

* Create an area for each supporter, in which he can view all information about its activities: tree of their "downline", the registration data of supporters with him connected, and generated sales commissions accruing the entire network of vendors.

* Creating a system for automatically sending two e-mail user who is logged: the first contains a link for confirmation of the second containing the referral link that will lead you on your home page reference (eg / ilmionegozio ).

for the payment of commissions, the company will allocate a budget calculated in percentage on the selling prices of products (including different rates for different categories of products). This budget will be distributed to every single supporter for revenues generated personally, and that generated by the supporters he affiliated to the downline lower (max 10 °).
After the placement of the program ENEWORM "on the site, the company's commitment, mainly in their own interest, will be to affiliate as many people as possible in several ways: through the banner above, by sending the newsletter to any mailing list of customers, through the inclusion of any link and / or banner (linked to ) at the bottom of correspondence with customers.

In the event of accession, will be provided if the material on the website (presentation, general conditions, a facsimile of the form for registration etc.. )

For all information regarding "ENEWORM" customers will be able to write directly to info.eneworm @ .

Saturday, April 21, 2007

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