Da tempo mi interrogo sulla natura del Design dei servizi, cos'è? Personalmente credo che abbia a che fare con l'experience design (al riguardo è interessante questo post del prof.Nicola Morelli). Inaspettatamente mi è venuto in aiuto la lettura di un libro scritto nel lontano 1969 e dal titolo quanto mai illuminante Cos'è un designer. Things/Places/Messages di Norman Potter . Oggetti, luoghi e messaggi sono l'oggetto con cui un progettista (designer) risponde alle necessità a cui deve trovare solution. In a nutshell Potter escape each question: the design process by which the design operates across areas only superficially very different (in essence this has assumed the mission of "facilitator" with which the designer's work is shown in the current meanings) .
In order to find an answer to it is useful to read the first lesson WRLethaby held in 1922 at the Central School for Arts and Crafts in London from clever title "What I think you understand life" . Lethaby writes:
- Life is best understood as a service;
- The service is primarily productive work activities in the fisheries of absolute necessity;
- [...]
Not a bad assumption to start. But Potter still remembering one of the principles that have guided the research work of the Modern Movement according to which, by design, mass and matter is sublimated into a system of functional relationships and communication. Without dwelling on the reading of these intentions it is important to note that, in human history, this principle has always been implemented in the art, in all its forms, and the Modern Movement did the same in industrial production. Potter sees, far behind the horizon of inherent consequence of this principle, but the current scenario apodictic: the role of information technology on our time and our lives [... a silicon chip affrancherà humanity from their material needs ...]
design, in all its forms (objects, places, messages) must be understood and designed as a service and therefore designed as an interactive experience . Its constituent material, before the sound and visual systems are relations between things, people and ideas. Sobering note the similarity with the greatest Shakespearean: [We are made of matter we are made of dreams ...]
PS: The image, taken by typcut.com, is SkilledConcept
PS: The image, taken by typcut.com, is SkilledConcept