Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preamp Out To Line Level In?

RA: an opportunity for companies

Thursday 27 at 18.30 at Hotel Horizon Montegranaro will speak at the meeting Augmented Reality: an opportunity for companies promoted by Confartigianato CDO Marche Macerata and south. Below the contents of my introduction.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oriental Teeclip Artfree

Augmented Reality: to begin with .. .

Jef With Knowledge , Delight Studio Grottini and Communication we have created a first demo Reality Increased to test the limits and modes of operation is made in the ergonomics of graphical feedback of presence.
The result, very good, shows how the application range of this technology is flexible and its domain of use is vast and easily scalable. A technology on the whole "simple" in terms of engineering but whose computer usability is crucially dependent on its application. We'll talk about augmented reality and its impact on our perceptual capacities more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scart Component Hdmi Resolution

Google, Bookerang, and LibraryThing Anobii

BooKerang will be Community of books and online readers , round table, which have also been invited Google, Anobii LibraryThing and at the Turin Book Fair, Sunday, May 16 at 15.30.
Speakers include founder Tim Spalding of Library Thing first online book community for the first time in Italy, Barbara Sgarzi journalist and author, inter alia, "The worm reading" the book that collects the reviews of aNobii readers, Gino Mattiuzzo Google Books and Emanuele Zippilli of Bookerang , the first Italian social network for lovers of reading.