Article taken from: POLIMERICA.IT trays for fruits and vegetables from the RPP for new food containers. A draft Esselunga and Nespak. Under the EC Regulation 282/08
, now you can use, even in our country, to produce new recycled plastic food packaging, albeit under very strict conditions regarding the source material (food grade only ), the control of the sector and the recycling process, which must be approved in advance by '
latter, in particular, complicates cose sotto l'aspetto procedurale: in Italia - a quanto ci risulta - non esiste ancora un processo "approvato" per il recupero in “ciclo chiuso” Una situazione che potrebbe però cambiare. In occasione del convegno " Tra polimeri tradizionali e bioplastiche, la terza via: la plastica riciclata ", organizzato il 22 settembre scorso da IPPR e Federazione Gomma Plastica,
hanno presentato un progetto per la rigenerazione e il riutilizzo, nella same application, polypropylene trays for fruit and vegetables coming from. Project which presupposes the existence of sorting and recycling companies are able to follow the most delicate phase of the cycle, namely the regeneration of the polymer under controlled conditions. According to Nespak
Alberto Maso, the selection of these figures would be in an "advanced stage". Esselunga said in his speech Vittorio Brinati , collects some stores already in the trays for fruit and vegetables, with a return of about 8% of that consumption, packaging that, among the other, are produced by
Nespak with a reduced content of polypropylene (-18%) than before, thanks to a complete redesign of the packaging, which led to an increase in compressive strength, compared with less weight (the result awarded last year with an Oscar). The packages are gathered today to start recycling for non-food uses, waiting for the draft starts closed-loop.
Esselunga is also involved in other programs aimed at reducing waste, as well as recovery and reuse of materials from its stores, warehouses and offices, the chain recovers each year about 1,800 tonnes of plastics that are already started to recycling and in the future will in part to produce plastic bags with label Second Life. They include the robust reusable shopper products Sipa Management with 80% recycled material presented on the occasion of the conference. Goal is to get Esselunga handing out 3.5 million pieces per year. Not only Esselunga
decided to reduce the thickness of the film stretched used in pallets, 23 to 8 microns, with a 50% cut of the material used. In stores, the internal handling of goods, use reusable plastic containers, made from 25% recycled polymer. Point of sale are used instead of the shelves dividers made of reclaimed plastics. Of note is the recovery about 250 tons of EPS containers from the suppliers of fish, which are concentrated in Biandrate which is running a compactor, which reduces the volume before the recycling facilities. chain Milan also plans to enter the market 5 million shopping bags
biodegradable and compostable (paper and Mater-Bi), has invested in low lighting and energy savings through heating and cooling more efficient. Returning to the closed-loop, Nespak is also engaged in a second project, in which case it is recovered and recycled
alveolar containers for fruit, always polypropylene, intended for mass distribution. A segment which, only in Italy, 6-7 thousand tons of polymer. In the case of alveoli - Maso said - the chain is shorter and more manageable, since the packaging does not reach the consumer, but stops at the point of sale, where the fruit is unpacked and placed on the shelves. Management should therefore be easier and cheaper.